(incorporating the parishes of Huntwick with Foulby and Nostell, Hessle and Hill Top, West Hardwick)
This is the official website of Nostell Parish Council. The Council has an obligation to publish details of Council meetings and related budget and spend information. This is now available via this website.
The Parish Council has six members (five Councillors and a Parish Clerk). Parish Council meetings are usually held on the first Wednesday of the month at 6.30 p.m. in Nostell Village Hall.
There are no meetings August and September.
NOTE: The meetings are Council meetings held in public and are not public meetings. Therefore, the public are not permitted to speak without notice. Anyone wishing to speak at these meetings should contact the Clerk or any Councillor prior to the meeting. The subject will be discussed with the Chair and it will be at the discretion of the Council whether to include the item in the business of the meeting.
Each year, the Council holds an Annual General Meeting. This is a public meeting and allows parishioners the opportunity to speak without prior arrangement. The AGM for 2025 will be held on 4th June.